How to Figure Out if You are an Empath

Course Summary

You've been reading about empaths. Much of it resonates with you.

However, just because it sounds like it might be you, doesn't mean it is you. You want to make sure.
Especially because there is so much hype about empaths in some spaces and not all of it sounds real nor legit.

Welcome! In this audio course I will share the ins and out of what empaths are exactly, the kinds of intuitive and energy sensitive experiences that seem like empath (but aren't), and how to start discerning the differences.

This course includes a detailed description of what an empath is exactly, how being an empath is different from other intuitive abilities, plus what exactly to start paying attention to in your day to day life to help you figure out if you are an empath.

This course will help you answer questions like:

🌺 Are you simply tearing up for your own reasons or could you be energy sponging someone else's grief?
🌺 What are the best situations to try and figure out if you might be an empath?
🌺 Are all empaths affected by the same things?
🌺 What exactly do you need to pay attention to (and when) to figure out if you might be an empath?
🌺 What are the possible confusions you might come up against in trying to distinguish empath sponging from something else? And how do you figure out what is what?

In this 2 hour audio course you learn all this and more. (The under 2 minute video at the top of this page has a tiny excerpt from the first course audio)

I've spent 7+ years working with empaths and helping new clients figure out if they might be an empath. In this course I share with you the nitty gritty that will help you figure this out for yourself.

The audios for this course are hosted online - which means you don't have to worry about downloading anything. Just hit play and listen to the course right away.

What if you have questions going through the material?

There is space to post written questions inside the course. These Qs will go straight to my inbox and I'll answer them inside the course as well. This way, everyone joining over time gets to benefit from everyone  else's questions.

Course Curriculum

More Empathy isn't always Better!!

👋 Hi! I'm Caroline and I've been working with empaths since 2014
to help them stop sponging and stop getting overwhelmed by other people's energy.

The people who think that "more empathy is better" clearly aren't empaths!
Otherwise they'd know that even empathy can truly be too much of a good thing!

You can find most of my articles and services at

First things first though - are you an empath?

Is that why you feel so much from others
and have all kinds of strange body aches
and experience such strange emotional overwhelm?

Could be! This course will help you find out.

Caroline van Kimmenade

Course Pricing

(pricing is in euros.  20 euros is approx 20 USD.
Scroll down for a currency converter widget 

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Single Payment


    • unlimited access
    • 14 day refund policy if you're unhappy with this course
    • 2 hours of audio instruction
    • write questions and get answers from Caroline inside the course
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