The Happy Sensitive Library

Small, daily sustainable steps to more happiness

Instant 24/7 Access

Get Clarity, Get Grounded, Get Inspired

A Library of Potent Steps to More Happiness

for Highly Sensitive People and Empaths

"Caroline’s materials and approach are both deep yet somehow so straightforward to understand and process.

I’ve delved into many types of self-help practices for decades, but in five short weeks I feel I’ve benefited from advice, suggestions and ideas that have given me so much clarity on the challenges I’ve experienced as a highly sensitive person."

Catherine, Canada

Because your sensitivity
your natural attunement
your kindness, your empathy
 is an asset.
It is needed in the world!

It's just that, you're no use to anyone - least of all yourself - when you're overwhelmed!

And your sensitivity does require a special kind of user manual,
because as a Highly Sensitive Person, you get stressed out more quickly. 

Unfortunately, other people often don't get that,
which is why it is so so important to have the know-how,
tools and HSP shortcuts to deal with this yourself!

That's why I built this Library for you. We'll get into lots of nitty gritty stuff!
No grand, vague sweeping gestures telling you to "just relax"!

"I just wanted to quickly say how much I love the library, or more the contents and effort and knowledge you put in it!

It’s really helpful and you make complex information really accessible. Thank you!"

~ Eva, Germany

How it Works

You'll develop more clarity, inner peace and energy with all the big and small courses, podcasts, articles, worksheets and meditations that come with a Library Membership.

You set the pace.
You click on and explore what feels relevant.

With a membership, you get instant access to all materials in the Library.

You don't need to download anything because everything is accessible online, instantly.

Super easy! Just purchase a membership, log in and get started!

Nitty-Gritty Practical Steps
(no grand, vague, sweeping gestures telling you to "just relax"

Explore Connections

Being Highly Sensitive affects everything in your life.

Explore connections by combining different Library materials.

Keep it Simple

All your courses are stored online.

You can access everything by logging into your Library account on PC, Mac, Tablet, iPad or Phone.

Get Practical Tips

Put the Library Materials to work for you. These are not "just theoretical" courses!

I designed these materials for making a happy difference in your life!

Sessions on Anger were Brilliant

"I have been popping into the library when ever I can and have listened to the two longer sessions on anger which were brilliant. Plus a few others.

I have also been popping in when I’m in the studio in order to make best use of time! Or listening in the car if I’m doing a kids pick up for example."

~ Jo, England  

Personal Support + New Materials

Library Front Desk

Ask me for a recommendation on where best to start in the Library.

Great if you're a little overwhelmed with all the options or not sure what would help you most right now.

Optional Coaching Sessions

Want to work through something in person? In the Library you can purchase single coaching calls with me at a discount.

Great if you're feeling a little stuck or just need to talk to someone who gets it.

New Materials added Regularly

Get access to new courses and materials as they are added.

I regularly think of new helpful things to add here, based on questions I get from other HSPs.

Whether you are a self-study afficionado, or you do like to receive personal support from time to time, the Library has you covered.

Do as much as you can - or everything - on your own.
I'm here if you need a pointer on where to go next or want to chat in person.

Quick Guides

The Library includes quick guides that you can work through in an hour or an afternoon.


The Library includes podcasts to help you learn new skills. Just play and relax. Or listen on the go.

In-depth Courses

The Library includes big courses that are meant to sink in slowly. With meditation exercises to help you go deep.

👀 Sneak Peak at What's Inside!  👀

Click the course titles below to expand them and see the chapters in it.

"preview" buttons let you see an introduction to learn more about that particular course.

Course Curriculum

What Members are Saying:

Caroline writes about sensitivity in ways I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. 

I appreciate her straightforwardness and her warm compassion. All of her material shows a clear, in depth understanding of a whole spectrum of sensitivity-related issues. 

The building energy recordings in particular were super helpful! People don’t usually talk about energy in those terms, and it’s helped me return to healthier energy levels and pursue my creative work with more ease.

The Happy Sensitive Library has so many resources I know I’ll return to in the future.

New York

"I have joined your library and will stay for a couple of months or so - trying to make the most of the courses in this new arrangement.

They are very clearly laid out in your library cataloge and that is really easy to use."

Jane, England

 "I just wanted to say thank you for putting your library together.

I went through two courses; one on understanding energy sensitivity and on rebuilding depleted energy.

Wow. Sooo very relevant.

I've been struggling with the energy "bank account" and that series of audios really helped me. Yay

Althea, Connecticut

[About the Winter Blues Kit]

"I found the 2 main points re: underlying emotional/psyche patterns that contribute to SAD to be enlightening... a key piece for me, so, well worth the price of admission. :)

I'm looking forward to exploring a little more of the other content I have access to.

Virginia, Craniosacral & Somatic Bodywork, California, USA

"I told my friend about your super interesting sections on perfectionism.

I never heard that before in connection to HSP. Frankly that's my major cause of anxiety and stress every day. 

Your approach to perfectionisom is a novel one that perfectly fit my HSP trait.

From the day I started to know about it, it sticks in my mind and is fixing my daily thoughts and action" 

Mojtabe, Middle East

The Happy Sensitive Library also includes big transformational courses like the Practical Perfection Course and the More Good Stuff Project.

How the Practical Perfection Course Helped Tara:

"It helped me write and "publish" an online campaign.  

I have never ever worn my personal / lifestyle "choices" on my sleeve so-to-speak, but this course helped me to dare to write something (I was told / "taught" that I was not a good writer at school) from my heart and, yes, I did spend some time agonizing over whether it was perfect or not, but ultimately I recognized that there were a million (and more) ways to tell this particular story, so I told it in the way that felt right and, most importantly, GOT. IT. OUT. THERE! : )

I would * HIGHLY * recommend this course to anyone who is even vaguely perfectionistic.

Becoming aware of your perfectionism patterns is a huge help to then changing or morphing those behaviors in ways that are always and only beneficial, never detrimental, to you. 

 Perfectionism can yes, be your greatest ally at times, but it can also be your worst enemy and this course will help you help yourself to make it your ally!


How the More Good Stuff Project Helped Mindy:

"I just wanted to send a note to say 

thank you so much for this project, 

it’s only the first week and this has helped me big time…

so many changes have come about

and I feel so grateful to you every time I listen to those meditations (been doing that daily).

Anyways, my thing is to bring more money into my life (obviously). 

I’ve been helping so many people, 
and not getting anything back in return… 

that’s changing now :)

To more good stuff :)"


Happy Sensitive Library Creator:

Caroline van Kimmenade

Hi! I'm Caroline

I created this Library + (8 years ago) & (4 years ago)

I'm a Highly Sensitive Person and an Empath and I discovered the hard way that:

honouring your sensitivity (instead of fighting it) 
is the key to more happiness and energy.

As HSPs we naturally get overwhelmed more quickly, so we need to be smart and resourceful about our how we do things!

When you learn how to work WITH your sensitivity, instead of fighting it, everything starts to change for the better.

I want to show you how. That's why I built this Library, so you can pick and choose what you need most and learn at your own pace.

Let's get started!

"I'm super psyched that I can access my online courses on my phone and that it works amazing!!!!

It's so easy and convenient, and I've been listening to more of the difficult feelings classes"

~Gracie, Maine

Choose your Membership

Please note that all payment options are non-refundable
as you get instant access to all the materials in the Library right away..

Membership Pricing

(in euros)

*scroll down for currency-translation

Monthly Membership


per month

  • monthly subscription

    • streaming access to all materials
    • cancel subscription any time with just a few clicks
    • payment automatically renews monthly unless you cancel it
Buy Now

Year Membership


    • Streaming access to all materials
    • Get access for a whole year
    • One-time payment, does not renew
Buy Now

How much is that???

Pricing is in Euros


Eu-what? See pricing in your own currency ☝️

Need a Money-Back Guarantee?

The Library itself has no refund option - simply because it contains SO MUCH content. BUT - I totally understand that you'd want to try my materials out first. That's why I also have a few separately purchasable courses. These all have a money-back guarantee, so you can safely check if my work resonates for you. You can find them all by clicking here.

Why Do You Need This?

On a scale of famine to world wars, you probably don't!

But many Highly Sensitive People I meet have lots of questions, unclarities and aches and pains that all point to one thing (even if they don't realise it): having too much stress for their Highly Sensitive mind, heart and body to handle.

🏝️ But you can't just move to an island.

👨 Your dad telling you to toughen up doesn't help.

🍹 And your friends telling you that everyone struggles sometimes doesn't improve anything.

👩‍⚕️ Your therapist - that you get to vent to - doesn't know enough about High Sensitivity (most don't) to offer practical solutions.

🧘🏽 The internet keeps telling you to just do yoga
👀 And joining FB groups has you convinced that mental health issues and chronic inflamation are "just normal" for people like you. (So what are you complaining about? You're doing well, all things considered!)

All this can lead to feeling like you're not quite sure how to make it through the next 10 years. And being happier next week, next month, next year than you are now? Without being on permanent vacation? You're not sure that's possible.

But if you're being honest. You want it. You deserve it. You're just not sure how to get there.

Because telling yourself to "be positive" just isn't cutting it.

"Zero Judgement, Plenty of Encouragement"

"I signed up for Caroline’s HSP Comfort Kit in early April 2020.

I followed up one month later with The Energy Sensitivity Starter Kit and now have a monthly subscription to her HSP Library.

Three sets of resources - one enormous and welcome shift in my thinking.

I almost don’t know where to begin, but I’ll start with my gratitude.

I couldn’t be more grateful to have accessed these works. I’ve delved into many types of self-help practices for decades, but in five short weeks I feel I’ve benefited from advice, suggestions and ideas that have given me so much clarity on the challenges I’ve experienced as a highly sensitive person.

I’m currently addressing, for example, how to better adjust my expectations and boundaries as they relate to my internal reactions/responses to others, what is obviously my suppressed anger (and guilt) as well as my numerous connected ‘beliefs’ surrounding lots of connected behaviours.

Caroline’s materials and approach are both deep yet somehow so straightforward to understand and process. Naturally, she reminds us to practice and she explains clearly how to access the tools with small steps that I can imagine anyone can follow.

As I listened to her audio recordings, I felt like an audience of one - I lost count of the times I felt she was speaking only to me. It all resonated.

Over and over again I continue to have moments of revelation, understanding and a really meaningful sense of being supported and heard.

I’m excited to keep my momentum. It took so little to get it going and now it feels easier to stay on track.

There’s zero judgement, plenty of encouragement and above all - and I don’t know how - she seems to have thought of everything!

This is by far the best ‘work’ I’ve encountered. Thank you Caroline"

Catherine, Canada

Tech Worries? Take a Test Drive

Sign up for a free Mini Library Test Drive, to test out the tech and different media formats.

You'll also receive a few emails to help you decide what's right for you.

Click the blue button to get started!

Being Highly Sensitive isn't easy.

But it's no reason to suffer either!

When I discovered I was Highly Sensitive I was really elated, and then disappointed.

 Many of the materials out there for HSPs were just repeating the same few tips.
Plus, put bluntly, there was so much whining!
So much complaining about how insensitive the world is.
So much "oh no, it's so stressful to be Highly Sensitive - poor us, we're doomed!"

Look, 1 in 5 people is Highly Sensitive.
That's no accident. We are here for a reason.
YOU are here for a reason!
And you are meant to thrive, not hide under a rock!

So I set out to develop ways to make High Sensitivity a good thing.
A happy thing! To use our sensitivity to our benefit!
And I'd like to share the many steps and tools I've developed
(and that I keep on developing)
with you here.

To inspire you.
To help you break out of any stuck places that have been holding you back.
And laugh more!

Because the world needs more happy sensitives!

Got Questions? Go Ahead!

You can use the support button at the top of this page, or send me a message via my website contact form here

I'm happy to help you figure out if the Library would be helpful for you. If I have my doubts or don't think it will be useful for you, I will tell you!